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<section id="preface-overview">
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The corporations always have a corporate identity, even when
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they don't take an intentional control over it. It is a choise
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from the corporation to define how much control to take over
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its identity. This kind of control is expensive and not all
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corporations are able to maintain it. However, it is
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necessary that, based on pragmatic facts, the corporation
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assume an acceptable degree of compromise with its identity in
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order to create a consistent idea of itself in a way that can
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be progresively improved through time.
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During the years (2003-2009), we've seen a growing interest
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inside &TC;; for helping on &TC;; development. Some people
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seem to be very clear about what the project needs are and how
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to maintain it being a very stable project, but others however
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don't to get what &TC;; is (even it is explained time after
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time) and sometimes decide to put their efforts in the wrong
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direction making everything to be a waste of time and source
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of distraction from what is really needed.
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&TCAR; phases the question <quote>What can I do for
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&TC;;?</quote> by identifying different work lines you can
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join in and providing automated production mechanisms that
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complement one another according to each work line needs so
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consistent results can be achieved inside a distributed
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environment under version control. For example, consider an
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environment where there are graphic designers to produce
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images, documentors to produce documentation manuals (whose
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can use images produced by graphic designers), programmers to
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produce automation scripts (needed to standardize production
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tasks) and translators to localize source files created by
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graphic designers, documetors and programmers. Once such
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environment has been implemented, it would be possible for
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packagers to take localized images and localized documentation
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from &TCAR; (through an automation script probably) to
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rebrand/update the content of those packages inside &TC;; that
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must include information specific to &TC;; itself (e.g., boot
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loader, distribution installer, release notes, display
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managers, release notes, web browsers default page, etc.).
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Most production tasks inside &TCAR; are focused on the files
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needed to implement &TC;; corporate visual identity.<footnote>
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Notice that, here, visual identity means everything
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perceived through the human's visual sences (i.e., the
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human eyes), but the corporate identity is a wider concept
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that extends to all human senses (i.e., visibilty (eyes),
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audition (ears), scent (nose), touch (fingers), and savour
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(tongue)), not just that one related to visual aspects.
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Nevertheless, we need to be consequent with the media
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where &TC;; manifests its existence on, as described in
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<xref linkend="identity" />.
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</para></footnote> This includes everything from file edition
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(e.g., text width, text indentation, line numbering, text
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tabulation, etc.) up to how the web sites, distribution, and
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industrial stuff (e.g., pullovers, caps, installation media,
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etc.) look and feel. Notice that, more specific details like
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typography, window design, icons, menu items, etc., inside
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&TC;; are already covered by &TC;; upstream provider. In our
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effort to be 100% binary compatible with the upstream provider
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and also keeping maintainance low, we stand over those
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specific details as much as possible assuming them as default.
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However, if you feel brave enough (and prove your ability to
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keep yourself being that way) it would be possible to open a
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work line for you to maintain variants of such very specific
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details inside &TCAR;.
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In addition to visual manifestations, there are also emotional
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feelings and ethical behaviours that must be considered as
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part of &TC;; corporate identity. A pleasant experience in
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this area includes &TCWIKI;, specifically the way it was
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conceived and administered. When the &TCWIKI; was published,
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&TC;; published a list of needs with it so anyone could
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contribute based on them. Not much time after that, the list
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of tasks triggered some souls' motivations ruled by the good
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will of initiating the translation of that content published
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inside the wiki, redesigning its visual style, proposing the
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TreeFlower theme for &TC;;, and reducing to zero the
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contraditions of precoceived minds with respect, reason and
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passion. As result of this experience, we found that &TC;;
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posseses an incredible strong creative force, however, a long
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path must be traveled before it can be focalized into the
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right direction because: it isn't enough just telling what the
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right direction is, it is also necessary to provide the
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vehicles for &TC;; be able of moving through it.
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&TCAR; extends the feelings and ethicals behaviours from
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&TCWIKI; to itself by identifying the visual manifestations
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&TC;; is made of (i.e., tracing a direction) and allowing
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people to develop them through standardized procedures inside
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a colaborative environment (i.e., providing the vehicles).
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Finally, if you find yourself needing to do something for
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&TC;; and &TCAR; isn't the place for it, be sure to define
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what that something exactly is and also make it a community
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effort so it can be validated as something useful to the
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community itself. Otherwise, the effort would loose its
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initial sense soon enough so as to be considered seriously.
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Notice that the way these needs are described may take
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different forms: they can be written and organized inside a
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book, an article, or even a well documented program ;-).
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