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<sect1 id="repo-ws-config">
eebdc3 |
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<title>Configuring Your Workstation</title>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Once your worstation is installed, it is time for you to
eebdc3 |
configure it. At this point you create a user for everyday's
eebdc3 |
work, configure third party repositories, fix environment
eebdc3 |
variables to fit your personal needs, download the working
eebdc3 |
copy of &TCAR; and prepare it for start using it.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
d2638e |
<sect2 id="repo-ws-config-wp">
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eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Once you've installed the workstation and it is up and
eebdc3 |
running, you need to create the user name you'll use for your
eebdc3 |
everyday's work. In this task you need to use the commands
eebdc3 |
<command>useradd</command> and <command>passwd</command> to
eebdc3 |
create the user name and set a password for it, respectively.
eebdc3 |
These commands require administrative privileges to be
eebdc3 |
executed, so you need to login as <emphasis>root</emphasis>
eebdc3 |
superuser for doing so.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Do not use the <emphasis>root</emphasis> username for your
eebdc3 |
everyday's work inside your working copy of &TCAR;. This is
eebdc3 |
dangerous and might provoke unreversable damages on your
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
When user names are created inside the workstation, it doesn't
eebdc3 |
create only a user identifier for you to login, but a place
eebdc3 |
for you to store your information, as well. This place is
eebdc3 |
known as your home directory and is unique for each user
eebdc3 |
inside the workstation. At the moment, we face the following
eebdc3 |
design problems related to handling absolute paths inside the
eebdc3 |
working copies of &TCAR;:
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<term>Case 1: Different home directories</term>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Assuming you store your working copy under
eebdc3 |
class="directory">/home/john/artwork/</filename> and I store
eebdc3 |
mine under
eebdc3 |
class="directory">/home/al/artwork/</filename>, we'll end up
eebdc3 |
refering the same files inside our working copies through
eebdc3 |
different absolute paths. This generates a contradiction when
eebdc3 |
files, holding path information inside, are committed up to
eebdc3 |
the central repository. The contradiction comes from the
eebdc3 |
question: which is the correct absolute path to use inside
eebdc3 |
such files, yours or mine? — No one of them is, of
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<term>Case 2: One unique home directory</term>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Another case would be that you and I ourselves use one unique
eebdc3 |
home directory (e.g.,
eebdc3 |
class="directory">/home/centos/artwork/</filename>) to store
eebdc3 |
the working copy of &TCAR; in our own workstations, but
eebdc3 |
configure the subversion client to use different user names to
eebdc3 |
commit changes up from the working copy to the central
eebdc3 |
repository. This configuration might be not so good for
eebdc3 |
situations where you and I have to share the same workstation.
eebdc3 |
In such case, it would be required that we both share the
eebdc3 |
password information of the same system user (the
eebdc3 |
<emphasis>centos</emphasis> user in our example) which, in
eebdc3 |
addition, gives access to that user's subversion client
eebdc3 |
configuration and this way provokes the whole sense of using
eebdc3 |
different subversion credentials for committing changes to be
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<term>Case 3: Different home directories through dynamic expansion</term>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Most of the absolute paths we use inside the working copy are
eebdc3 |
made of two parts, one dynamic and one fixed. The dynamic part
eebdc3 |
is the home directory of the current user and its value can be
eebdc3 |
retrived from the <envar>$HOME</envar> environment variable.
eebdc3 |
The fixed part of the path is the one we set inside the
eebdc3 |
repositroy structure itself as organization matter. What we
eebdc3 |
need here is to find a way to expand variables inside files
eebdc3 |
that don't support variable expansion. So far we've been
eebdc3 |
doing this through creation template instances which are
eebdc3 |
temporal files with translation markers expanded inside. This
eebdc3 |
work rather fine with template files that are one-time-pass
eebdc3 |
(e.g., when we produce produce PNG files from SVG files and
eebdc3 |
XTHML from DocBook files), but the same is not true for
eebdc3 |
absolute paths inside files that are used as in their
eebdc3 |
permanent state inside the repository (e.g., CSS files and
eebdc3 |
other files similar in purpose).
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
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eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
From the three cases discussed above, the second one (i.e.,
eebdc3 |
One unique home directory) seems to be the best candidate. It
eebdc3 |
limits us from using more than one working copy in the same
eebdc3 |
workstation, but gives us the chance of standardizing the use
eebdc3 |
of absolute paths inside all the working copies of &TCAR;.
eebdc3 |
Using absolute paths is very convenient because it is possible
eebdc3 |
to reuse information from different locations inside the
eebdc3 |
working copy, something that would be almost imposible to
eebdc3 |
maintain if relative paths were used instead. Thus, lets
eebdc3 |
assume the second case of handling home directories as default
eebdc3 |
solution to relatively solve the problem of where to store
eebdc3 |
working copies of &TCAR; until a better one shows itself up.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
The action of providing working copies of &TCAR; that permit
eebdc3 |
to reuse files inside them unifies the way content is produced
eebdc3 |
inside the working copy and provides a convenction for people
eebdc3 |
working on different areas to get attached to in order to
eebdc3 |
syncronize their works and still keep doing it decentralized
eebdc3 |
one another.
eebdc3 |
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eebdc3 |
d2638e |
<sect2 id="repo-ws-config-envar">
d2638e |
<title>Environment Variables</title>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Once you've created the <emphasis>centos</emphasis> user name
eebdc3 |
for your everyday's work and you had done login with it, there
eebdc3 |
are some environment variables that you can customize to fit
eebdc3 |
your personal needs (e.g., default text editor, default locale
eebdc3 |
information, default time zone representation, etc.). To
eebdc3 |
customize these variables you need to edit your personal
eebdc3 |
profile (i.e.,
eebdc3 |
class="directory">~/.bash_profile</filename>) and set the
eebdc3 |
redefinition there. Notice that you may need to logout and
eebdc3 |
then do login again in order for the new variable values to
eebdc3 |
take effect.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<term>Default text editor</term>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
The default text editor information is controlled by the
eebdc3 |
<envar>EDITOR</envar> environment variable. The
eebdc3 |
<command>centos-art.sh</command> script uses the default text
eebdc3 |
editor to edit subversion pre-commit messages, translation
eebdc3 |
files, documentation files, script files, and similar
eebdc3 |
text-based files.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
If <envar>EDITOR</envar> environment variable is not set,
eebdc3 |
<command>centos-art.sh</command> script uses
eebdc3 |
class="directory">/usr/bin/vim</filename> as default text
eebdc3 |
editor. Otherwise, the following values are recognized by
eebdc3 |
<command>centos-art.sh</command> script:
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<filename class="directory">/usr/bin/vim</filename>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<filename class="directory">/usr/bin/emacs</filename>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<filename class="directory">/usr/bin/nano</filename>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
If no one of these values is set in the <envar>EDITOR</envar>
eebdc3 |
environment variable, the <command>centos-art.sh</command>
eebdc3 |
script uses
eebdc3 |
class="directory">/usr/bin/vim</filename> text editor, the one
eebdc3 |
installed by default in &TC;;.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<term>Default locale information</term>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
The default locale information is controlled by the
eebdc3 |
<envar>LANG</envar> environment variable. This variable is
eebdc3 |
initially set in the installation process of &TC;;,
eebdc3 |
specifically in the <emphasis>Language</emphasis> step.
eebdc3 |
Generally, there is no need to customize this variable in your
eebdc3 |
personal profile. If you need to change the value of this
eebdc3 |
environment variable do it through the login screen of GNOME
eebdc3 |
Desktop Environment or the
eebdc3 |
<command>system-config-language</command> command.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
The <command>centos-art.sh</command> script uses the
eebdc3 |
<envar>LANG</envar> environment variable to determine what
eebdc3 |
language to use for printing output messages from the script
eebdc3 |
itself, as well as the portable objects locations that need to
eebdc3 |
be updated or edited when you localize directory structures
eebdc3 |
inside the working copy of &TCAR;.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<term>Default time zone representation</term>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
The time zone representation is a time correction applied to
eebdc3 |
the system time (stored in the BIOS clock) based on your
eebdc3 |
country location. This correction is specially useful to
eebdc3 |
distributed computers around the world that work together and
eebdc3 |
need to be syncronized in time to know when things happened.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
&TCAR; is made of one server and several workstations spread
eebdc3 |
around the world. In order for all these workstations to know
eebdc3 |
when changes in the server took place, it is required that
eebdc3 |
they all set their system clocks to use the same time
eebdc3 |
information (e.g., through UTC (Coordinated Universal Time))
eebdc3 |
and set the time correction for their specific countries in
eebdc3 |
the operating system. Otherwise, it would be difficult to
eebdc3 |
know when something exactly happened.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Generally, setting the time information is a straight-forward
eebdc3 |
task and configuration tools provided by &TC;; do cover time
eebdc3 |
correction for most of the countries around the world.
eebdc3 |
However, if you need a time precision not provided by any of
eebdc3 |
the date and time configuration tools provided by &TC;; then,
eebdc3 |
you need to customize the <envar>TZ</envar> environment
eebdc3 |
variable in your personal profile to correct the time
eebdc3 |
information by yourself. The format of <envar>TZ</envar>
eebdc3 |
environment variable is described in tzset(3)
eebdc3 |
manual page.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
d2638e |
<sect2 id="repo-ws-config-sudo">
d2638e |
<title>Administrative Tasks</title>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Sometimes it is necessary that you perform administrative
eebdc3 |
tasks inside the workstation the working copy of &TCAR; is
eebdc3 |
stored in. These tasks might demand you to type many commands
eebdc3 |
(e.g., for configuring a third party repository) or just a
eebdc3 |
one-line command (e.g., for installing a new package). In
eebdc3 |
both cases this kind of tasks require permissions that your
eebdc3 |
user for everyday's work must not have under no mean.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
To perform administrative tasks in your workstation, you need
eebdc3 |
to login as <emphasis>root</emphasis> or configure the
eebdc3 |
<command>sudo</command> program to temporarily granting the
eebdc3 |
permissions your regular user needs to perform the
eebdc3 |
administrative tasks. The configuration of
eebdc3 |
<command>sudo</command> program is at
eebdc3 |
<filename>/etc/sudoers</filename> file and you need to add the
eebdc3 |
<emphasis>centos</emphasis> user to the list of privileged
eebdc3 |
user as described in the section below:
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
## Next comes the main part: which users can run what software on
eebdc3 |
## which machines (the sudoers file can be shared between multiple
eebdc3 |
## systems).
eebdc3 |
## Syntax:
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
## The COMMANDS section may have other options added to it.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
eebdc3 |
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
eebdc3 |
centos ALL=(ALL) ALL
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
This configuration is required in order for automation scripts
eebdc3 |
to realize administrative tasks that otherwise you would need
eebdc3 |
to type one by one. It is worth to mention that all these
eebdc3 |
tasks are organized in the <function>prepare</function>
eebdc3 |
functionality of the <command>centos-art.sh</command> script
eebdc3 |
in the sake of reducing work and standardize the procedure of
eebdc3 |
performing them. It is also worth to mention that, the
eebdc3 |
<command>centos-art.sh</command> script is available for you
eebdc3 |
to run, study, improve and share your changes as described in
eebdc3 |
<xref linkend="licenses-gpl" />.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
d2638e |
<sect2 id="repo-ws-config-wc">
d2638e |
<title>Working Copy</title>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
Once you've installed and configured the workstation, it is
eebdc3 |
ready to receive the working copy of &TCAR;. In this step, you
eebdc3 |
use Subversion's client to communicate the source repository
39143d |
of &TCAR; and download all the files that make a working copy
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of it.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
To download the working copy of &TCAR; you need to login as
eebdc3 |
your everyday's work user (i.e., the
eebdc3 |
<emphasis>centos</emphasis> user) and use the Subversion
eebdc3 |
client installed in your workstation to bring all the files
eebdc3 |
you need to work with from the source repository down to your
eebdc3 |
workstation, just as the following command describes:
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<screen>svn co https://projects.centos.org/svn/artwork ~/</screen>
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
This command will create your working copy of &TCAR; in your
eebdc3 |
workstation, specifically in the
eebdc3 |
class="directory">/home/centos/artwork</filename> directory.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
39143d |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
If the Subversion's client wasn't installed by default, you
eebdc3 |
need to install it using the following command:
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
<screen>sudo yum install subversion</screen>
39143d |
39143d |
39143d |
39143d |
39143d |
Once your working copy of &TCAR; has been downloaded, you
39143d |
should notice that there is no image files, nor documentation,
39143d |
or localized content inside it. This is because all the files
39143d |
provided in the working copy are source files (e.g., the files
39143d |
needed to produce other files) and it is up to you the action
39143d |
of render them to produce the final files (e.g., images and
39143d |
documentation) we use to implement &TCPCVI;.
39143d |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
39143d |
Another consideration to be aware of at this point, is the
39143d |
need of verifying the software installed in the workstation,
39143d |
as well as the creation of symbolic links to connect the
39143d |
content produced inside the working copy to applications
39143d |
outside it (e.g., to make available patterns, brushes, and
39143d |
palettes produced inside the working copy in GIMP, the
39143d |
application used to manipulate images).
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
39143d |
These final preparation stuff is automated by the
39143d |
<function>prepare</function> functionality of the
39143d |
<command>centos-art.sh</command> script, as described in
39143d |
linkend="scripts-bash-prepare" />. Execute it right now,
eebdc3 |
to be sure your workstation and your working copy are both
eebdc3 |
ready to be used.
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
eebdc3 |
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