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<title>The CentOS Artwork Repository: 3.18 trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro</title>
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3.18 trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro
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3.18.1 Goals
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3.18.2 Description
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It applies to all major releases of CentOS distribution.
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5fb024 | One theme for all major releases
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Sometimes, specific visual manifestations are formed by common
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components which have internal differences. That is the case of CentOS
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distribution visual manifestation.
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Since a visual style point of view, the CentOS distributions share
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common artwork components like Anaconda --to cover the CentOS
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distribution installation--, BootUp --to cover the CentOS
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distribution start up--, and Backgrounds --to cover the CentOS
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distribution desktop--. Now, since a technical point of view, those
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common artwork components are made of software improved constantly.
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So, we need to find a way to keep one unique name and one unique
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visual style in artwork components that have internal difference and
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also remark internal difference as well.
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915635 |
 Important Remarking the CentOS release schema inside each
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major release of CentOS distribution --or similar visual
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manifestation-- takes high attention inside The CentOS Project
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corporate visual identity. It should be very clear for people which
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major release of CentOS distribution they are using.
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5fb024 |
In order to remark the CentOS release schema, the CentOS Artwork SIG
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uses a release-specific brand design named "The CentOS Release
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Brand". The CentOS release brand is compossed by the CentOS logotype
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and the CentOS major release number (as specified in CentOS
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release schema definition). In this solution, the CentOS release brand
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is set inside all release-specific artworks (e.g., distribution,
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installation media, etc.) in remarkable way. The CentOS release
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brand is the design component that lets us remark the CentOS release
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schema inside the monolithic corporate visual identity structure we
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propose to use.
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5fb024 |
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5fb024 | One theme for each major release
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5fb024 |
Other way we've been using to remark CentOS release schema is
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applying one unique theme for each major release of CentOS
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distribution. That is, if we have 4 major releases of CentOS
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distribution, we need to provide 4 different themes to cover each
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CentOS distribution available.
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5fb024 |
Inside CentOS Artwork Repository, you can create many themes and that
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is very convenient. But using one unique theme for each major
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release of CentOS distribution would bring visual isolation among
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distributions, websites and promotion visual manifestations. If the
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CentOS project would maintain just one CentOS distribution (and many
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experienced graphic designers ready to create beautiful artworks) this
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model would be nice. Indeed, this model looks quite similar to that
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one used by Fedora project, doesn't it. But no, the CentOS project
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maintains near to 4 major releases of CentOS distribution in parallel,
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and that fact makes a huge difference since the corporate visual
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identity point of view.
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5fb024 |
If we use one unique theme for each major release of CentOS
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distribution, which one of those themes, does we use to cover other
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CentOS visual manifestations, like websites and promotion stuff?
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5fb024 |
In whatever case you choose some release-specific distribution user
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will be visually isolated from other CentOS visual manifestations like
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websites and promotion stuff, even if the CentOS brand is present in
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all visual manifestations. In such a case, probably, users will end up
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asking themselves, why my CentOS distribution has this design and the
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CentOS website another one? Isn't them on the same project? With luck
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the CentOS brand will exonerate user form visual isolation.
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3.18.3 Usage
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3.18.4 See also
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