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% Part : Preparing Your Workstation
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% Chapter: Configuration
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% $Id: configuration.tex 6191 2010-08-02 02:36:14Z al $
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This chapter describes configurations you need to set up before using
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CentOS Artwork Repository.
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The CentOS Artwork Repository lives on the following URL:
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To reach this location you need to have Internet access and be sure no
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rule in your firewall is denying this site. Note that the URL uses the
183ae8 |
SSL protocol (port 443).
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\section{Subversion Behind Squid}
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Sometimes it is convenient to proxy Subversion client's requests
183ae8 |
through a proxy-cache server like Squid. In cases like this, the Squid
183ae8 |
proxy server is in the middle between you and CentOS Artwork
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Repository. If you want to proxy Subversion client's requests through
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Squid proxy-cache server, you need to configure your Subversion client
183ae8 |
and your Squid proxy server to do so.
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\subsection{Subversion Client Configuration}
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Subversion client needs to be configured to send requests to your
183ae8 |
Squid proxy-cache server. This configuration takes place in the file
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\subsection{Squid Server Configuration}
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183ae8 |
Squid proxy-cache server needs to be configured to accept the
183ae8 |
183ae8 |
This configuration takes place in the file
183ae8 |
\texttt{/etc/squid/squid.conf}, specifically in the configuration tag
183ae8 |
illustrated in \autoref{fig:Workstation:Configuration:Squid}.
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183ae8 |
183ae8 |
# TAG: extension_methods
183ae8 |
# Squid only knows about standardized HTTP request methods.
183ae8 |
# You can add up to 20 additional "extension" methods here.
183ae8 |
183ae8 |
183ae8 |
# none
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\caption{Squid configuration to proxy Subversion client's requests.%
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\section{Working Copy}
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183ae8 |
A Subversion working copy is an ordinary directory tree on your local
183ae8 |
system, containing a collection of files (i.e. Translations, Designs,
183ae8 |
Manuals, and Scripts). You can edit these files however you wish. Your
183ae8 |
working copy is your own private work area: Subversion will never
183ae8 |
incorporate other people's changes, nor make your own changes
183ae8 |
available to others, until you explicitly tell it to do so. You can
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even have multiple working copies of the same project.\footnote{Even
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this is basically correct, doing so when using CentOS Artowrk
183ae8 |
Repository can bring some confusion when executing scripts. Presently,
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only one absolute path can be defined as absolute path for scripts'
183ae8 |
execution. You can have as many working copies of CentOS Artwork
183ae8 |
Repository as you want but scripts will be executed from just one
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working copy absolute path. That is, the one stored under
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183ae8 |
183ae8 |
Once you've made some changes to your working copy files and verified
183ae8 |
that they work properly, Subversion provides you with commands to
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``publish'' your changes to the other people working with you on your
183ae8 |
project (by writing to the repository). If other people publish their
183ae8 |
own changes, Subversion provides you with commands to merge those
183ae8 |
changes into your working directory (by reading from the repository).
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183ae8 |
183ae8 |
183ae8 |
183ae8 |
svn co https://projects.centos.org/svn/artwork /home/centos/
183ae8 |
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183ae8 |
\caption{Subversion command used to download the working copy.%
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183ae8 |
The subversion command illustrated in
183ae8 |
\autoref{fig:Workstation:WC:Download} brings a CentOS Artwork
183ae8 |
Repository working copy down to your workstation, specifically to your
183ae8 |
home directory (\texttt{/home/centos/artwork/}). This process may take
183ae8 |
some time. Once the working copy is available in your workstation,
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you are ready to start exploring and improving available works.
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Note that you need to have a username called \texttt{centos} in your
183ae8 |
system. If you don't have it, you can create it using the comand
183ae8 |
\texttt{useradd} as superuser (\texttt{root}).
183ae8 |
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\subsection{Standardizing Absolute Path}
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183ae8 |
When using Inkscape to import raster images inside SVG files the
183ae8 |
absolute image path is required. If everyone stores the working copy
183ae8 |
on a different absolute path imported images will not be loaded in
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those location different from those they were conceived. There is no
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way to find the right absolute image path but defining a convenction
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about it.
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183ae8 |
On a path string (e.g., /home/centos/artwork/trunk/) the username
183ae8 |
(`centos') is the variable component, so it is the component we need
183ae8 |
to standardize--in the sake of keeping the working copy inside user's
183ae8 |
/home/ structure. Thus, analysing which username to use, the CentOS
183ae8 |
Project is what join us all together, so the `centos' word in
183ae8 |
lower-case seems to be a nice choise for us to use as common username.
183ae8 |
183ae8 |
\section{User Identification}
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183ae8 |
At this point you probably have made some changes inside your working
183ae8 |
copy and wish to publish them. To publish your changes on CentOS
183ae8 |
Artwork Repository you need to have a registered account with commit
183ae8 |
privilege in CentOS Artwork Repository.
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If you are new in CentOS Artwork Repository it is possible that you
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can't commit your changes. That is because new registered accounts
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haven't commit privilege set by default. In order for your registered
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account to have commit privilege inside CentOS Artwork Repository you
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need to request it. See section
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\subsection{User Account Registration}
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To register a user account inside CentOS Artwork Repository, you need
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to go to the following URL:
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\subsection{User Account Privileges}
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To have commit privileges in CentOS Artwork Repository it is needed
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that you show your interest first, preferably with something useful
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like a new or improved design, translation, manual, or script. As
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convenction, people working on CentOS Artwork Repository share ideas
183ae8 |
in the mailing list
183ae8 |
\href{mailto:centos-devel@centos.org}{centos-devel@centos.org}. If you
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are interested in joining us go there and express yourself.
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\section{Repository Tagged Revisions}
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The CentOS Artwork Repository is also available as tagged revisions.
183ae8 |
Tagged revisions are checkpoints on the CentOS Artwork Repository
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developing lifetime. They are inmutable copies of the CentOS Artwork
183ae8 |
Repository state through time. Tagged revisions contain the files
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used to produce images but not images themselves. Inside tagged
183ae8 |
revisions you can find scripts (\texttt{.sh}), design templates
183ae8 |
(\texttt{.svg}), translation files (\texttt{\.sed}), gimp projects
183ae8 |
(\texttt{.xcf}), and documetation files (\texttt{.tex}).
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CentOS Artowrk Repository tagged revisions are available for
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downloading in the following location:
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\item[URL:] https://projects.centos.org/svn/artwork/tags
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and alternatively, you can find references in the CentOS Project's
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wiki, specifically in the ArtWork page:
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\item[URL:] http://wiki.centos.org/ArtWork
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