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<sect1 id="repo-usage-section-5" xreflabel="Connection between directories" label="3.5">
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<title>Connection between directories</title>
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ca81f7 |
<para>In order for automation scripts to produce content inside
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working copies of CentOS Artwork Repository, it is required that
ca81f7 |
all work lines be connected somehow. Using this connection,
ca81f7 |
automation scripts can know where to retrive the information they
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need to work with (e.g., design model, translation messages,
ca81f7 |
output locations, etc.). This connection is built using two path
ca81f7 |
constructions named <emphasis>master paths</emphasis> and
ca81f7 |
<emphasis>auxiliar paths</emphasis>.</para>
ca81f7 |
ca81f7 |
<para>The master path points only to directories that contain
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source files (e.g., SVG files) required to produce base content
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(e.g., PNG files) through automation scripts. Each master path
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inside the repository may have several auxiliar paths associated,
ca81f7 |
but auxiliar paths can only have one master path associated.
ca81f7 |
Master paths are organized under
ca81f7 |
class="directory">trunk/Identity/Models</filename> directory
ca81f7 |
structure and auxiliar paths under
ca81f7 |
ca81f7 |
class="directory">trunk/Locales</filename> and
ca81f7 |
class="directory">trunk/Manuals</filename> directory
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<para>The auxiliar paths can point either to directories or files.
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When an auxiliar path points to a directory, that directory
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contains information that modifies somehow the content produced
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from master paths (e.g., translation messages) or provides the
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output information required to know where to store the content
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produced from master path. When an auxiliar path points to a
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file, that file has no other purpose but to document the master
e935c3 |
path it refers to.</para>
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ca81f7 |
<para>The relationship between auxiliar paths and master paths is
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realized by combining the master path itself and the second level
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directory structures of the repository. The master path is
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considered the path identifier and the second level directory
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structure taken from the repository is considered the common part
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of the path where the path identifier is appended to.</para>
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