b13586 |
b13586 |
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b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<title>Mozilla Firefox</title>
b13586 |
<subtitle>Website Services Agreement</subtitle>
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
The accompanying version of Mozilla Firefox utilizes
b13586 |
website information services (<quote>Services</quote>),
b13586 |
such as safe-browsing features, which are provided by the
b13586 |
Mozilla Corporation and made available to you under
b13586 |
additional terms. By using the Services, you consent to
b13586 |
the terms of the referenced Mozilla Firefox Website
b13586 |
Services Agreement.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
If you do not agree to these terms, do not use the Services
b13586 |
and disable the Services in <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> >
b13586 |
<guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem> >
b13586 |
<guimenuitem>Security</guimenuitem> and uncheck the options
b13586 |
for both: <quote>Tell me if the site I'm visiting is a
b13586 |
suspected attack site</quote> and <quote>Tell me if the site
b13586 |
I'm visiting is a suspected forgery</quote>.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<title>Version 3.0, June 2008</title>
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
During the Mozilla Firefox installation process, and at later
b13586 |
times, you may be given the option of installing additional
b13586 |
components from third-party software providers. The
b13586 |
installation and use of those third-party components may be
b13586 |
governed by additional license agreements.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
In this Mozilla Firefox Website Services Agreement
b13586 |
(<quote>Agreement</quote>), the accompanying executable
b13586 |
version of Mozilla Firefox shall be referred to as <quote>the
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
The Product utilizes website information services
b13586 |
(<quote>Services</quote>), such as safe-browsing features,
b13586 |
which are provided by the Mozilla Corporation
b13586 |
(<quote>Mozilla</quote>) and made available to you subject to
b13586 |
the terms below. By using the Services, you consent to the
b13586 |
terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of
b13586 |
this Agreement, do not use the Services and disable the
b13586 |
Services in the preferences/security menu.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<title>Use Of Service</title>
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
Mozilla permits you to use the Services via the Product. This
b13586 |
Agreement will also govern the use of Services made available
b13586 |
to you as a result of your installing any executable software
b13586 |
upgrades to the Product provided to you by CentOS, where those
b13586 |
Services replace and/or supplement the Services provided
b13586 |
through use of the Product. In such a case, <quote>the
b13586 |
Product</quote> shall also refer to such installed upgrades.
b13586 |
However, if such upgrades are accompanied by a separate
b13586 |
agreement from Mozilla, the terms of that agreement will
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
If you breach this Agreement your right to use the Services
b13586 |
will terminate immediately and without notice, but all
b13586 |
provisions of this Agreement except the Use of Services
b13586 |
(Paragraph 1) will survive termination and continue in effect.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<title>Proprietary Rights</title>
b13586 |
b13586 |
Subject to this Agreement and to all applicable licensing
b13586 |
terms governing your use of the Product, Mozilla, for itself
b13586 |
and on behalf of its licensors, hereby reserves all
b13586 |
intellectual property rights in the Services, except for the
b13586 |
rights expressly granted in this Agreement. You may not
b13586 |
remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright or other
b13586 |
proprietary notice in or on the Product. This agreement does
b13586 |
not grant you any right to use the trademarks, service marks
b13586 |
or logos of Mozilla or its licensors. Nothing in this
b13586 |
Agreement shall be construed to limit any rights granted under
b13586 |
open source licenses applicable to the Product and to
b13586 |
corresponding source code versions of the Product.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<title>Privacy Policy</title>
b13586 |
b13586 |
The Mozilla Firefox Privacy Policy is made available online at
b13586 |
<ulink url="http://www.mozilla.com/legal/privacy/" />, as that
b13586 |
policy may be updated from time to time.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<title>Website Information Services</title>
b13586 |
b13586 |
Mozilla and its contributors, licensors and partners work to
b13586 |
provide the most accurate and up-to-date phishing and malware
b13586 |
information. However, they cannot guarantee that this
b13586 |
information is comprehensive and error-free: some risky sites
b13586 |
may not be identified, and some safe sites may be identified
b13586 |
in error.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<title>Disclaimer Of Warranty</title>
b13586 |
b13586 |
The product and services are provided <quote>as is</quote>
b13586 |
with all faults. to the extent permitted by law, mozilla and
b13586 |
mozilla's distributors, and licensors hereby disclaim all
b13586 |
warranties, whether express or implied, including without
b13586 |
limitation warranties that the product and services are free
b13586 |
of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose and
b13586 |
non-infringing. you bear the entire risk as to selecting the
b13586 |
product and services for your purposes and as to the quality
b13586 |
and performance of the product and services. this limitation
b13586 |
will apply notwithstanding the failure of essential purpose of
b13586 |
any remedy. some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or
b13586 |
limitation of implied warranties, so this disclaimer may not
b13586 |
apply to you.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<title>Limitation Of Liability</title>
b13586 |
b13586 |
Except as required by law, mozilla and its distributors,
b13586 |
directors, licensors, contributors and agents (collectively,
b13586 |
the <quote>mozilla group</quote>) will not be liable for any
b13586 |
indirect, special, incidental, consequential or exemplary
b13586 |
damages arising out of or in any way relating to this
b13586 |
agreement or the use of or inability to use the product and
b13586 |
the services, including without limitation damages for loss of
b13586 |
goodwill, work stoppage, lost profits, loss of data, and
b13586 |
computer failure or malfunction, even if advised of the
b13586 |
possibility of such damages and regardless of the theory
b13586 |
(contract, tort or otherwise) upon which such claim is based.
b13586 |
the mozilla group's collective liability under this agreement
b13586 |
will not exceed the greater of $500 (five hundred dollars) and
b13586 |
the fees paid by you under the license (if any). Some
b13586 |
jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
b13586 |
incidental, consequential or special damages, so this
b13586 |
exclusion and limitation may not apply to you.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<title>U.S. Goverment End-Users</title>
b13586 |
b13586 |
This Product is a <quote>commercial item,</quote> as that term
b13586 |
is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101, consisting of <quote>commercial
b13586 |
computer software</quote> and <quote>commercial computer
b13586 |
software documentation,</quote> as such terms are used in 48
b13586 |
C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995) and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202 (June
b13586 |
1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212, 48 C.F.R.
b13586 |
27.405(b)(2) (June 1998) and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202, all U.S.
b13586 |
Government End Users acquire the Product with only those
b13586 |
rights as set forth therein.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
b13586 |
Mozilla and you concerning the subject matter hereof, and it
b13586 |
may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an
b13586 |
authorized executive of Mozilla.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
Except to the extent applicable law, if any, provides
b13586 |
otherwise, this Agreement will be governed by the laws of the
b13586 |
state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
This Agreement will not be governed by the United Nations
b13586 |
Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
If any part of this Agreement is held invalid or
b13586 |
unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the
b13586 |
parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will
b13586 |
remain in full force and effect
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
A waiver by either party of any term or condition of this
b13586 |
Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not
b13586 |
waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
Except as required by law, the controlling language of this
b13586 |
Agreement is English.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
You may assign your rights under this Agreement to any party
b13586 |
that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms; the
b13586 |
Mozilla Corporation may assign its rights under this Agreement
b13586 |
without condition.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit
b13586 |
of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |
b13586 |