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% Part : Concepts
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% Chapter: Frameworks
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% $Id: templates.tex 6207 2010-08-05 13:11:13Z al $
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\section{Design Templates}
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Design templates are plain text files. Design templates may or may not
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contain translation markers inside. Design templates are used to
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define the CentOS visual style (the look and feel) of CentOS corporate
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identity in all its manifestations. Design templates are the
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documents you need to create or edit in order to implement or maintain
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the monolithic CentOS corporate visual structure. Design templates
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are normative documents that need to be conceived carefully.
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Design templates may be based on specific markups (i.e. XHTML, SVG,
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CSS, etc.). If that is the case, translation markers may be combined
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inside the specific markup design template to create a translatable
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markup-specific design template. In contrast, if design templates do
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not have specific markup inside, they are considered the simpliest
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design templates because they only have translation markers inside.
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Design templates can be read, edited, and studied using your favorite
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text editor.
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Design templates are specific to frameworks using design patterns to
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define the visual style of content produced inside them. This is the
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case of frameworks inside ``trunk/Identity/'', where design templates
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are used to define images' visual style; and ``trunk/Translations/'',
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where design tempates are used to define translations' common files.
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Inside frameworks, design templates are stored in a directory named
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`tpl'. This name is a convenction that scripts use to find framework's
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design tempate files. If you want to change the design template
4c79b5 |
directory's name to something different from `tpl', you need to set
4c79b5 |
the same name in all design templates' directories along the CentOS
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Artwork Repository, and update scripts to recognize the new name you
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set. This is something you problably don't need to do, but if you
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still want to, please share your reasons in
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\href{mailto:centos-devel@centos.org}{centos-devel@centos.org} before
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commit your changes. Changing the design template directory's name is
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a big chanage that needs to be discussed in the community.
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\subsection{Simpliest Design Templates}
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The simpliest design templates are inside identity frameworks. The
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simpliest design tempaltes are plain text files with translation
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markers only. These kind of design templates are used to define
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information like ``eula files'' (i.e trunk/Identity/Release/Tpl/eula)
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used by Anaconda and similar files. The simpliest design template
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files do not use extension.
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\subsection{Translation Design Templates}
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The translation design templates are inside translation frameworks.
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The translation design templats are plain text documents whithout any
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kind of markup. Instead, they contain sed's replacements commands.
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As convenction, translation file names end with the extension `.sed'.
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Translation files are created and edited using your favorite text
4c79b5 |
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\subsection{SVG Design Templates}
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The scalar vector graphics (SVG) design templates are inside identity
4c79b5 |
frameworks. The SVG design templates are plain text files with
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markup, based on SVG standard. The SVG standard is described at
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4c79b5 |
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Even SVG design templates can be read and edited with your favorite
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text editor, it is better to use a SVG editor like
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\href{http://www.inkscape.org/}{Inkscape} (see
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http://www.inkscape.org/) to create and edit them. The SVG design
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template files are used to define the visual style of images
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controlling the visual style of CentOS distribution, CentOS web sites,
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CentOS promotion, etc.
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Inside SVG design templates, each object has an ``Id'' property. By
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default the object's Id is a combination of letters and numbers
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granting its uniqueness inside the entire document.
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Inside CentOS Artwork Repository, SVG design templates are rendered
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automatically using the \texttt{render.sh} identity script. The
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\texttt{render.sh} identity script looks for the object's Id property
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containing the CENTOSARTWORK uppercase word and exports its area as
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bitmap, automatically.
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4c79b5 |
If you are designing SVG templates for CentOS Artwork Repository, and
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you are using the \texttt{render.sh} identity script to render them,
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you need to set the CENTOSARTWORK uppercase word as object's Id on the
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design object you want to export as bitmap during the rendering
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process. The CENTOSARTWORK uppercase word is a convenction used by
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scripts to find the export area on your SVG design templates.
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In CentOS Artwork Repository, SVG design templates are released under
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the \href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/}{Creative
4c79b5 |
Common Share-Alike License 3.0}.\footnote{See
4c79b5 |
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/} In Inkscape, you say
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so in the ``Document Metadata'' panel, available in the ``File'' menu.
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\subsection{XHTML Design Templates}
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The XHTML design templates are inside identity frameworks. They are
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plain text with markup, based on the
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\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1}{XHTML standard} described at
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\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1}{http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1}. These
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files are created and edited using your favorite text editor. XHTML
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design templates are used to define the visual style of files like the
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``Release Notes'' (trunk/Identity/Release/Tpl/release-notes.html) used
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by Anaconda.
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