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organization, and administration of CentOS Artwork Repository.
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Copyright C 2009-2011 Alain Reguera Delgado
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Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
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under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
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any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
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Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A
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copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free
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Documentation License.
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Written by: Lionel Cons <Lionel.Cons@cern.ch> (original author)
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Karl Berry <karl@freefriends.org>
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Olaf Bachmann <obachman@mathematik.uni-kl.de>
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and many others.
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Maintained by: Many creative people <dev@texi2html.cvshome.org>
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<title>centos-art.sh: 1.1 History</title>
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1.1 History
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This section records noteworthy changes of CentOS Artwork Repository.
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The CentOS Artwork Repository started at CentOS Developers mailing
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list (centos-devel@centos.org) during a discussion about how
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to automate the slide images of Anaconda. In such discussion, Ralph
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Angenendt rose up his hand to ask: Do you have something to show?
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To answer the question, Alain Reguera Delgado posted a bash script to
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produce slide images in different languages --together with the
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proposition of creating a Subversion centralized repository where
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translations and image production could be distributed inside The
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CentOS Community--.
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Karanbirn Sighn considered the idea intresting and provides the
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infrastructure to support the effort. This way both the CentOS Artwork
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SIG and the CentOS Artwork Repository were created.
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Once the CentOS Artwork Repository was available, Alain Reguera
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Delagdo uploaded the bash script for rendering Anaconda slides and
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Ralph Angenendt documented the script very well.
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Once the rendition script and its documentation were available online,
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translators started to download working copies of CentOS Artwork
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Repository to produce slide images in their own languages.
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The rendition script is designed to take one SVG file, apply one SED
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file with replacement command inside to produce one SVG translated
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instance that is used to produce one translated PNG image by means of
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Inkscape program. The rendition script was named render.sh
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and it is copied to each directory structure that requires such
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process to produce images.
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Furthermore, functionalies are centralized in a common placed and
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linked from different directory structures. There is no need to have
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the same code in different directory structures if can have it in just
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one place and then create links to it.
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Start to implement concepts about corporate identity. As referece it
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is used Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/Corporate_identity)
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and the book Corporate Identity by Wally Olins (1989). The main
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goal of render.sh becomes to: automate production of a
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monolithic corporate visual identity structure based on The CentOS
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Mission and The CentOS Release Schema.
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Around March, Alain Reguera Delgado is out of Internet for an
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undefined amount of time, but continues developing the idea of CentOS
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Artwork Repository and the rendition script off-line.
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Most of the work I propose from this time on is my own responsability.
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I keep myself thinking to be part of the CentOS Artwork SIG and in
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that sake, I use the personal pronoun we to refer what I do as
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part of the group hoping someday to share this work with you again and
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improve it together.
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The CentOS Artwork Repository documentation starts to take form in
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LaTeX format.
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The render.sh is removed from the repository directory
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structures and the centos-art.sh script is used instead. The
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centos-art.sh is created to be a command-line interface that
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automate most frequent tasks inside the repository and can be called
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anywhere inside the repository or outside it; whenever it points to a
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directory structure inside the repository. At the very first moments
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of using centos-art.sh command-line, it used to have the
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following using form:
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centos-art function --action=path/to/dir
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Inside the rendition script, functionalities started to get identified
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and separated one another. For example, when images are rendered,
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there is no need to load manual functionality. There are now common
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functionalities and specific functionalities. Common functionalities
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are loaded when the script is initiated and are available to specific
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Start using getopt to handle command-line options.
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The repository directory structure is optimized to continue
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implementing corporate identity concepts and the centos-art
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The `trunk/Translation' directory structure is removed. The
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`trunk/Locales' directory structure is used instead to store locale
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The `.sed' translation files are no longer used, scalable vector
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graphics are used instead. Translation messages take place by means
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of xml2po and gettext. With xml2po translatable strings are retrived
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from `.svg' files and stored inside gettext `.pot' and `.po' files for
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translators to edit. Finally, xml2po is used again to build the
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temporal design model translated instance which the final `.png' image
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is built from.
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Inside centos-art.sh , update command-line arguments and
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options parsing. Keep using getopt to parse options passed
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in the command-line, but change the way centos-art.sh is
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called from. The following form is used:
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centos-art function path/to/dir --options
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Start using verbs to name the centos-art.sh functionalities.
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Organize centos-art.sh functionalities in "administrative"
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functions and "productive" functions. Administrative functions
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cover actions like: copying, deleting and renaming directory
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structures. Also, preparing your workstation for using
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centos-art command-line, make backups of the distribution
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theme currently installed, installing themes created inside The
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CentOS Artwork repository and restoring themes from backup. On the
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other hand, productive functions cover actions like: content
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rendition, content localization, content documentation and content
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