ef5584 |
ef5584 |
Theme Name : TreeFlower
ef5584 |
Theme URI : http://wiki.centos.org/ArtWork/PunbbThemeDesign
ef5584 |
Description : TreeFlower is a proposed motive for CentOS
ef5584 |
theming. This is a workaround to take Punbb
ef5584 |
application into that look and feel. Punbb
ef5584 |
is the application we use in Forums.
ef5584 |
Author : The CentOS Artwork SIG.
ef5584 |
Licence: This CSS design is released under GPL (
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* Import the basic setup styles */
ef5584 |
@import url(imports/base.css);
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 2.1 This sets the default Font Group */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun input,
ef5584 |
.pun select,
ef5584 |
.pun textarea,
ef5584 |
.pun optgroup {
ef5584 |
font-family: inherit;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun {
ef5584 |
color: #333;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* Set font size for tables because IE requires it
ef5584 |
* */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun table,
ef5584 |
.pun input,
ef5584 |
.pun select,
ef5584 |
.pun optgroup,
ef5584 |
.pun textarea,
ef5584 |
div.postmsg p.postedit {
ef5584 |
font-size: 1em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 2.2 Set the font-size for preformatted text i.e
ef5584 |
* in code boxes */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun pre {
ef5584 |
font-family: "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", courier, monospace;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 2.3 Font size for headers */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun h2,
ef5584 |
.pun h4 {
ef5584 |
font-size: 1.2em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun h3 {
ef5584 |
font-size: 1.1em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdtitle h1 {
ef5584 |
padding-top: 26px;
ef5584 |
font-size: 1.4em;
ef5584 |
line-height: 1.5em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 2.4 Larger text for particular items */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postmsg p {
ef5584 |
line-height: 1.4;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postleft dt {
ef5584 |
font-size: 1.1em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun pre {
ef5584 |
font-size: 1em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 2.5 Bold text */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdtitle h1,
ef5584 |
div.postleft dt,
ef5584 |
div.postmsg h4,
ef5584 |
div.linkst li,
ef5584 |
div.linksb li,
ef5584 |
div.postlinksb li,
ef5584 |
div.forminfo h3,
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
td.tcl h3,
ef5584 |
.blockmenu li,
ef5584 |
.pun span.warntext,
ef5584 |
.pun p.warntext {
ef5584 |
font-weight: bold;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 3. LINKS */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 3.1. This is the default for all links */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
a:link { text-decoration: none; color: #204C8D }
ef5584 |
a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: green; }
ef5584 |
a:active { text-decoration: underline; color: green; }
ef5584 |
a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #204C8D; }
ef5584 |
a:visited:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: green; }
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 3.2. This is the colour for links in tables
ef5584 |
* titles rows
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.blockpost h2 a:link { text-decoration: none; color: #EEE }
ef5584 |
.blockpost h2 a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #FFF; }
ef5584 |
.blockpost h2 a:active { text-decoration: underline; color: #FFF; }
ef5584 |
.blockpost h2 a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #EEE; }
ef5584 |
.blockpost h2 a:visited:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #FFF; }
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 3.3. This is the color for page bottom credits.
ef5584 |
* */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.credits a:link { text-decoration: none; color: #EEE }
ef5584 |
.credits a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #FFF; }
ef5584 |
.credits a:active { text-decoration: underline; color: #FFF; }
ef5584 |
.credits a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #EEE; }
ef5584 |
.credits a:visited:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #FFF; }
ef5584 |
.credits a { font-style: italic; }
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 3.4 This is for closed topics and "hot" links */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
tr.iclosed td.tcl a:link,
ef5584 |
tr.iclosed td.tcl a:visited { }
ef5584 |
tr.iclosed td.tcl a:hover { }
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
li.maintenancelink a:link,
ef5584 |
li.maintenancelink a:visited { }
ef5584 |
li.maintenancelink a:hover { }
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 4.1 By default borders are 1px solid */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun td,
ef5584 |
.pun th,
ef5584 |
div.blockpost label {
ef5584 |
border-style: solid;
ef5584 |
border-width: 1px
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun blockquote, div.codebox, div.forminfo {
ef5584 |
border: none;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 4.2 Special settings for the board header. */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdheader div.box {
ef5584 |
border: none;
ef5584 |
background-color: #204C8D;
ef5584 |
background-image: url("../img/header-background.png");
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 4.3 Borders for table cells */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun td, .pun th {
ef5584 |
border-bottom: none;
ef5584 |
border-right: none
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun .tcl {
ef5584 |
border-left: none
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 4.4 Special setting for fieldsets to preserve
ef5584 |
* IE defaults */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div > fieldset {
ef5584 |
border-style: solid;
ef5584 |
border-width: 1px
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 5.1 Page margins */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
html {
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
background-color: #FFF;
ef5584 |
font-family: "DejaVu Sans", "Liberation Sans", sans-serif;
ef5584 |
font-size: 0.80em;
ef5584 |
line-height: 1.25em;
ef5584 |
/* margin: 0; /* <- full screen */
ef5584 |
/* margin: 0 1% 0 1%; /* <- with 1% of left and right margin */
ef5584 |
/* margin: 0 2% 0 2%; /* <- with 2% of left and right margin */
ef5584 |
margin: 0 4% 0 4%; /* <- with 4% of left and right margin */
ef5584 |
/* margin: 0 10% 0 10%; /* <- with 10% of left and right margin */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
body {
ef5584 |
background-color: #FFF;
ef5584 |
border-width: 10px;
ef5584 |
border-style: solid;
ef5584 |
border-color: #FFF;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#punwrap {
ef5584 |
margin: 0;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 5.2 Creates vertical space between main board
ef5584 |
* elements (Margins) */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#postreview {
ef5584 |
margin-bottom: 12px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#punindex div.blocktable,
ef5584 |
div.blockpost {
ef5584 |
margin-bottom: 6px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.block2col div.blockform,
ef5584 |
div.block2col div.block {
ef5584 |
margin-bottom: 0px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 5.3 Remove space above breadcrumbs, postlinks
ef5584 |
* and pagelinks with a negative top margin */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.linksb {
ef5584 |
margin-top: -12px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postlinksb {
ef5584 |
margin-top: -6px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 5.4 Put a 12px gap above the board information
ef5584 |
* box in index because the category tables only
ef5584 |
* have a 6px space beneath them */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdstats {
ef5584 |
margin-top: 12px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 5.5 Header presentation. This is where the
ef5584 |
* CentOS Theme motive take place. */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdtitle {
ef5584 |
line-height: 1.0em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
color: #FFF;
ef5584 |
margin: 0;
ef5584 |
padding: 0;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 5.6. Logo presentation. */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#logo {
ef5584 |
float: left;
ef5584 |
margin: 10px;
ef5584 |
margin-right: 1.5em;
ef5584 |
padding: 0;
ef5584 |
/* For text only logo */
ef5584 |
font-size: 1.4em;
ef5584 |
line-height: 1em;
ef5584 |
vertical-align: middle;
ef5584 |
font-weight: bold;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 5.7. Pageline */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pageline {
ef5584 |
clear: both;
ef5584 |
margin: 0;
ef5584 |
padding: 0;
ef5584 |
width: 100%;
ef5584 |
/* sync these values, line-height is needed for IE */
ef5584 |
height: 5px;
ef5584 |
line-height: 5px;
ef5584 |
background: #628ECA;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdheader .pageline { border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD; }
ef5584 |
#brdfooter .pageline { border-top: 1px solid #DDD; }
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 5.8. Redirect page */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#punredirect div.block,
ef5584 |
#punmaint div.block {
ef5584 |
margin: 20% 20% 29% 20%;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 5.9 Footer */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdfooter {
ef5584 |
margin-bottom: 0;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdfooter div.box {
ef5584 |
border: none;
ef5584 |
background-color: transparent;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.credits {
ef5584 |
border: none;
ef5584 |
background-color: #204C8D;
ef5584 |
background-image: url("../img/header-background.png");
ef5584 |
text-align: center;
ef5584 |
padding: 1em !important;
ef5584 |
color: #EEE;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 6.1 Default padding for main items */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.block div.inbox,
ef5584 |
div.blockmenu div.inbox {
ef5584 |
padding: 3px 6px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun p,
ef5584 |
.pun ul,
ef5584 |
.pun dl,
ef5584 |
div.blockmenu li,
ef5584 |
.pun label,
ef5584 |
#announce div.inbox div {
ef5584 |
padding: 3px 0;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun h2 {
ef5584 |
padding: 0.5em;
ef5584 |
font-weight: bold;
ef5584 |
color: #FFF;
ef5584 |
border: 1px solid #204C8D;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 6.2 Special spacing for various elements */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun h1 {
ef5584 |
padding: 3px 0px 0px 0;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdtitle p {
ef5584 |
padding-top: 0px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.linkst {
ef5584 |
padding: 8px 6px 3px 6px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postlinksb {
ef5584 |
padding: 3px 6px 8px 6px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdfooter dl a,
ef5584 |
div.blockmenu li,
ef5584 |
div.rbox input {
ef5584 |
line-height: 1.4em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdwelcome {
ef5584 |
background-color: #FFF;
ef5584 |
border: none;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#viewprofile dt,
ef5584 |
#viewprofile dd {
ef5584 |
padding: 0 3px; line-height: 2em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 6.4 Create some horizontal spacing for various
ef5584 |
* elements */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.brdmenu li {
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.brdmenu li,
ef5584 |
div.rbox input,
ef5584 |
div.blockform p input {
ef5584 |
margin-right: 12px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun th,
ef5584 |
.pun td {
ef5584 |
padding: 4px 6px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun td p {
ef5584 |
padding: 5px 0 0 0;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 8.1 Padding around left and right columns in
ef5584 |
* viewtopic */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postleft dl,
ef5584 |
div.postright {
ef5584 |
padding: 6px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 8.2 Extra spacing for poster contact details
ef5584 |
* and avatar */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
dd.postavatar {
ef5584 |
margin-top: 5px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
dd.postavatar {
ef5584 |
margin-bottom: 5px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
dd.postavatar img {
ef5584 |
border: 1px solid #333;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 8.3 Extra top spacing for signatures and edited
ef5584 |
* by */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postmsg p.postedit {
ef5584 |
padding-top: 15px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 8.4 Spacing for code and quote boxes */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postmsg h4 {
ef5584 |
margin-bottom: 10px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun blockquote,
ef5584 |
div.codebox {
ef5584 |
margin: 5px 15px 15px 15px;
ef5584 |
padding: 8px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.scrollbox {
ef5584 |
height: 1.5em !important;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 8.5 Padding for the action links and online
ef5584 |
* indicator in viewtopic */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postfootleft p,
ef5584 |
div.postfootright ul,
ef5584 |
div.postfootright div {
ef5584 |
padding: 5px 6px 5px 6px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 8.6 This is the input on moderators
ef5584 |
* multi-delete view */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.blockpost input,
ef5584 |
div.blockpost label {
ef5584 |
padding: 3px;
ef5584 |
display: inline;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
p.multidelete {
ef5584 |
padding-top: 15px;
ef5584 |
padding-bottom: 5px
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
p.multidelete label {
ef5584 |
border-color: #ACC2E4;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 8.7 Make sure paragraphs in posts don't get any
ef5584 |
* padding */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postmsg p {
ef5584 |
padding: 0;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 9.1 Padding around fieldsets */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.blockform form,
ef5584 |
div.fakeform {
ef5584 |
padding: 20px 20px 15px 20px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.inform {
ef5584 |
padding-bottom: 12px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 9.2 Padding inside fieldsets */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun fieldset {
ef5584 |
padding: 0px 12px 0px 12px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.infldset {
ef5584 |
padding: 9px 0px 12px 0;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun legend {
ef5584 |
padding: 0px 6px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 9.3 The information box at the top of the
ef5584 |
* registration form and elsewhere */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.forminfo {
ef5584 |
margin-bottom: 12px;
ef5584 |
padding: 9px 10px
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 9.4 BBCode help links in post forms */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ul.bblinks li {
ef5584 |
padding-right: 20px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ul.bblinks {
ef5584 |
padding-bottom: 10px;
ef5584 |
padding-left: 4px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 9.5 Horizontal positioning for the submit
ef5584 |
* button on forms */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.blockform p input {
ef5584 |
margin-left: 12px;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 10.1. These are the post status indicators which
ef5584 |
* appear at the left of some tables. .inew = new
ef5584 |
* posts, .iredirect = redirect forums, .iclosed =
ef5584 |
* closed topics and .isticky = sticky topics. By
ef5584 |
* default only .inew is different from the
ef5584 |
* default.*/
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.icon {
ef5584 |
float: left;
ef5584 |
margin-top: 0.1em;
ef5584 |
margin-left: 0.2em;
ef5584 |
display: block;
ef5584 |
border-width: 0.6em 0.6em 0.6em 0.6em;
ef5584 |
border-style: solid;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.searchposts div.icon {
ef5584 |
margin-left: 0;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 10.2 Class .tclcon is a div inside the first
ef5584 |
* column of tables with post indicators. The
ef5584 |
* margin creates space for the post status
ef5584 |
* indicator */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
td div.tclcon {
ef5584 |
margin-left: 2.3em;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 11.1. Default background colour and text colour */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#adminconsole fieldset th,
ef5584 |
.pun blockquote,
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.roweven {
ef5584 |
background-color: #F5F9FF;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#adminconsole td,
ef5584 |
#adminconsole th {
ef5584 |
border-color: #F5F9FF;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 11.2. Darker background colours */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#viewprofile dd,
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#adminconsole fieldset td,
ef5584 |
div.blockmenu div.box,
ef5584 |
#adstats dd {
ef5584 |
background-color: #EDF4FF;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 1.3. Main headers and navigation bar background and text colour */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun h2 {
ef5584 |
background-color: #204C8D;
ef5584 |
background-image: url("../img/h1-background.png");
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdheader .brdmenu {
ef5584 |
display: block;
ef5584 |
margin: 0;
ef5584 |
padding: 0;
ef5584 |
white-space: nowrap;
ef5584 |
background: #EDF4FF;
ef5584 |
border-bottom: 2px dotted #628ECA;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
#brdfooter .brdmenu {
ef5584 |
display: block;
ef5584 |
margin: 0;
ef5584 |
padding: 0;
ef5584 |
white-space: nowrap;
ef5584 |
background: #EDF4FF;
ef5584 |
border-top: 2px dotted #628ECA;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.brdmenu ul {
ef5584 |
padding: 3px !important;
ef5584 |
padding-left: 20px !important;
ef5584 |
text-align: center;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 1.4. Table header rows */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun th {
ef5584 |
background-color: #f6f6f6;
ef5584 |
font-weight: bold;
ef5584 |
color: #333;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 1.5. Fieldset legend text colour */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun legend {
ef5584 |
color: #204C8D;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 1.6. Highlighted text for various items */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun div.blockmenu li.isactive a,
ef5584 |
#posterror li strong {
ef5584 |
color: #333;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 12.1 This is the setup for posts. */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.blockpost div.box,
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postfootright {
ef5584 |
background-color: #EDF4FF;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.postfootright {
ef5584 |
border-left-color: #F5F9FF;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.blockpost label {
ef5584 |
background-color: #F5F9FF;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 12.2 Background for post headers and text colour
ef5584 |
* for post numbers in viewtopic */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.blockpost h2 {
ef5584 |
background-color: #204C8D;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.blockpost h2 span.conr { color: #EEE; }
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 12.3 This is the line above the signature in
ef5584 |
* posts. Colour and background should be the same
ef5584 |
* */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun hr {
ef5584 |
background-color: #333;
ef5584 |
color: #333;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 13.1 All external borders */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 13.2 Makes the top border of posts match the
ef5584 |
* colour used for post headers */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.blockpost div.box { }
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 13.3 Table internal borders. By default th is
ef5584 |
* same as background so border is invisible */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun td {border-color: #BBCEDE}
ef5584 |
.pun th {border-color: #D1D1D1}
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 13.4. Creates the inset border for quote boxes,
ef5584 |
* code boxes and form info boxes */
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun blockquote,
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.blockpost label {
ef5584 |
border-left: 4px solid #ACC2E4 !important;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* 13.5. Gecko's default fieldset borders are
ef5584 |
* really nasty so this gives them a colour
ef5584 |
* without interferring with IE's rather nice
ef5584 |
* default.
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
.pun div > fieldset {
ef5584 |
border-color: #628ECA;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
/* These are the post status indicators which
ef5584 |
* appear at the left of some tables. .inew = new
ef5584 |
* posts, .iredirect = redirect forums, .iclosed =
ef5584 |
* closed topics and .isticky = sticky topics. The
ef5584 |
* default is "icon". By default only .inew is
ef5584 |
* different.*/
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.icon {
ef5584 |
border-color: #E6E6E6 #DEDEDE #DADADA #E2E2E2;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
tr.iredirect div.icon {
ef5584 |
border-color: #F5F9FF #F5F9FF #F5F9FF #F5F9FF;
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
ef5584 |
div.inew {
ef5584 |
border-color: #0080D7 #0065C0 #0058B3 #0072CA;
ef5584 |