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<title>CentOS Artwork Repository: 2.24 The trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro Directory</title>
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2.24 The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro'</tt> Directory
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2.24.1 Goals
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This directory provides design models to produce image files for the
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following CentOS Distribution components:
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Contains design models for syslinux, the program used to boot the
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CentOS Distribution installation media. See section The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/Syslinux'</tt> Directory, for more information.
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52772c |
Contains design models for Anaconda, the program used to install
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CentOS Distribution. See section The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/Anaconda'</tt> Directory, for more information.
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Contains design models for the first boot program used to configure
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the maching onece installed. See section The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/Firstboot'</tt> Directory, for more information.
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52772c |
Contains design models for CentOS Graphical Boot, the program used to
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show the boot process from Grub to Display Manager. See section The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/Rhgb'</tt> Directory, for more
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52772c |
Contains design models for GNOME Display Manager, the program used to
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log into the manchine once installed and configured. See section The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/Gdm'</tt> Directory, for more
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52772c |
Contains design models for KDE Display Manager, the program used to
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log into the manchine once installed and configured. See section The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/Kdm'</tt> Directory, for more
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52772c |
Contains design models for GRUB (Grand Unified Boot Loader), the
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program used to boot the machine into an operating system.
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See section The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/Kdm'</tt> Directory, for
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more information.
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52772c |
Contains design models for GNOME splash, the program used to show the
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progress information while user's graphical session is loading.
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See section The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/Gsplash'</tt> Directory,
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for more information.
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52772c |
52772c |
52772c |
Contains design models for KDE splash, the program used to show the
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progress information while user's graphical session is loading.
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See section The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/Ksplash'</tt> Directory,
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for more information.
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2.24.2 Description
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The CentOS Distribution visual style is controlled by image files.
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These image files are packaged inside The CentOS Distribution and made
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visible once such packages are installed and executed. The way to go
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for changing The CentOS Distribution visual style is changing all
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those image files to add the desired visual style first and later,
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repackage them to make them available inside the final iso files of
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CentOS Distribution.
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2.24.3 Usage
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This directory provides organizationl structure to store default
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design models for CentOS Themes of CentOS Distribution and so it
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should be considered to be used.
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When a new component is added to CentOS Distribution, this is the
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directory you need to go for specifying design models for image files
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inside such component.
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The procedure to follow is creatig a directory for each component
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using its very same name (e.g., the directory <tt>`Anaconda'</tt> stores
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image files for Anaconda component, the installer program). Inside the
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directory, you need to create one scalable vector graphic for each
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image file inside the component you want to produce images for. This,
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in order to set image dimensions, image file-name, position of
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trademarks in the final image, translation markers and whatever common
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information you need to have specified in them when rendered by
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centos-art script.
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52772c |
Sometimes, between major releases, image files inside packages can be
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added, removed or just change their names. In order to describe such
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image files variations, the design models directory structure is
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organized in the same way the file variations are introduced (i.e.,
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through The CentOS Project Release Schema). So, each major release of
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CentOS Distribution does have its own design model directory structure
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in this directory.
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When a whole package is removed from one or all CentOS Distribution
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major releases, the design models directory structure releated to it
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is no longer used. However it could be very useful for historical
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reasons. Also, someone could feel motivated enough to keep himself
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documenting it or supporting it for whatever reason.
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2.24.4 See also
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1075b9 |
2.22 The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default'</tt> Directory
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