Blame Automation/Php/Webenv/admin/includes/functions/auth.php

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 * Authentication and authorization
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 * @category   Logic
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
 * @package    CentOS-News
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
 * @author     Alain Reguera Delgado <>
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
 * @copyright  2009 - CentOS Artwork SIG.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
 * @license    GPL
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//--------------Authentication stuff--------------
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//--------------/* Verify Admin access rights  */
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    function check_adminaccess()
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        /* Verify session */
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        if (!isset($_SESSION['employeetype']))
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            header('Location: '. BASEURL .'admin/login.php');
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    /* Check User Access */
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    function check_useraccess()
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        $timeout = 60 * 30; // In seconds, i.e. 30 minutes.
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        $fingerprint = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
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        $redirect_to = BASEURL . 'admin/login.php?loggedout=true';
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        /* Destroy session if ... */
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        if (isset($_SESSION['last_active']) && $_SESSION['last_active'] < (time()-$timeout)
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           || (isset($_SESSION['fingerprint']) && $_SESSION['fingerprint']!=$fingerprint)
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           || isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'logout') 
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            setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-3600, '/');
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            header("Location: $redirect_to");
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        /* Regenerate session */
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        /* Increase session lifetime */
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        $_SESSION['last_active'] = time();
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        /* Rebuild session fingerprint */
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        $_SESSION['fingerprint'] = $fingerprint;
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    /* Verify username and password */
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    function login()
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        require_once(ABSPATH . 'admin/includes/classes/ldap.php');
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        $ldap = new LDAP;
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        /* Inicialize variables */
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        $login = array();
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        $login['username'] = '';
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        $login['password'] = '';
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        /* Validate username input */ 
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        if (isset($_POST['username']))
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            $mail_pattern = '/^([a-z0-9+_]|\-|\.)+@(([a-z0-9_]|\-)+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/';
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            if (preg_match( $mail_pattern,$_POST['username']))
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                $login['username'] = $_POST['username'];
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        /* Validate password input */
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        if (isset($_POST['password']))
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            $login['password'] = $ldap->prepare_userpassword($_POST['password']);
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        /* Query LDAP directory looking for username AND password */
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        $search = $ldap->get_entries('(&(uid=' . $login['username']  . ')(&(userpassword=' . $login['password'] . ')))');
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        /* Build user's session if match */
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        if ($search['count'] == 1)
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            /* Set session information */
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            $_SESSION['uid']            = $search[0]['uid'][0];
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            $_SESSION['cn']             = $search[0]['cn'][0];
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            $_SESSION['employeetype']   = $search[0]['employeetype'][0];
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            /* Set session lasttime access */
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            $_SESSION['last_active'] = time();
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            /* Set session fingerprint */
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            $fingerprint = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
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            $_SESSION['fingerprint'] = $fingerprint;
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            /* Redirect to frontpage */
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            header("Location: " . BASEURL);
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            return 0;
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        else if ($search['count'] > 1)
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            // Login Failed: There are duplicates in the ldap directory database
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            return 002;
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            // Login Failed: There is no coincidece in the search
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            return '001';
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    // User links
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    function get_auth_userlinks()
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        $html = '
    ' . "\n";
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        if (isset($_SESSION['cn'])) 
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            $html .= '
  • ' . $_SESSION['cn'] . ' (' . ucfirst(translate("logout")) . ')
  • ' . "\n";
    Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
                $html .= '
  • ' . ucfirst(translate("admin")) . '
  • ' . "\n";
    Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
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    Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
                $html .= '
  • ' . ucfirst(translate("login")) . '
  • ' . "\n";
    Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
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    Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            $html .= '' . "\n";
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            return $html;
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