Blame Automation/Modules/

Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
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# -- This function standardizes the way entry
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# titles for chapters and sections are printed out.
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# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Project
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# your option) any later version.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# General Public License for more details.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# $Id$
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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function texinfo_getEntryTitle {
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Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    # Initialize phrase we want to transform based on style provided.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    local PHRASE="$1"
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    # Define section style. Through this property you can customize
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    # the section title in predefined ways.  By default, section
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    # titles are printed with each word capitalized (`cap-each-word').
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    # Other values to this option are `cap-first-only' (to capitalize
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    # just the first word in the title) or `directory' to transform
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    # each word to a directory path.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    local MANUAL_SECTION_STYLE=$(cli_getConfigValue "${MANUAL_CONFIG_FILE}" "main" "manual_section_style")
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    if [[ ! $MANUAL_SECTION_STYLE =~ '^(cap-each-word|cap-first-only|directory)$' ]];then
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
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Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    # Verify section style provided and transform the phrase value in
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    # accordance with it.
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Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
        'cap-first-only' )
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            # In the entire phrase provided, capitalize the first word
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            # only.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            PHRASE=$(echo "${PHRASE}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
                | sed -r 's!^([[:alpha:]])!\u\1!')
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
        'directory' )
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            # In the entire phrase provided, concatenate all words
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            # with slash (/) character and remark the fact it is a
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            # directory.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            PHRASE=$(echo "${PHRASE}" | sed -r \
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
                -e 's/(Trunk|Branches|Tags)/\l\1/' \
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
                -e 's/ /\//g' \
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
                -e 's/\/([[:alpha:]])/\/\u\1/g')
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
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Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
        'cap-each-word' | * )
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            # In the entire phrase provided, capitalize all words.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
            PHRASE=$(echo "${PHRASE}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
                | sed -r 's!\<([[:alpha:]]+)\>!\u\1!g')
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    # Output transformed phrase.
Alain Reguera Delgado 8f60cb
    echo "$PHRASE"
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