Blame Automation/Manuals/

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Alain Reguera Delgado 06ab0f - Initiate module environments.
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tcar_setModuleEnvironment -m "MODULE_NAME" -t "MODULE_TYPE" "${@}"
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Inside the script, from version 0.5 on, all
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functionalities have been rewritten to fit a modular design. This
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modular design is conceived with the idea of loading and
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executing only the functions that are absolutely required for the
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current task.
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Inside the script there are two kinds of functions,
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which are "global functions" and "module-specific functions." The
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global functions are loaded in the very beginning of
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script and remain in memory for you to use whenever you need it,
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using a regular function call syntax. The module-specific
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functions, on the other hand, are only loaded when they are needed
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and they are removed from memory once the task they were created
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to perform is over.  To load module-specific functions inside the
Alain Reguera Delgado 06ab0f script, you use the tcar_setModuleEnvironment
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function as described in the USAGE section, above. 
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Each time you execute the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function, you
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are creating a new module environment. Module environments are
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logical space where you can develop solutions for specific
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problems. These spaces are made available by creating a module
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directory structure inside the CentOS artwork repository,
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specifically under the Automation/Modules/ location. Inside this
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location, you can find the different types of modules we mentioned
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earlier (top-module, sub-module, and sib-module), based on the
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levels deep they are stored in the file system.
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The module directory structure, as interpreted by
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tcar_setModuleEnvironment has the following form:
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.Module's directory structure.
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|-- Modules/            <-- module's sub-module files.
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|-- Manuals/            <-- module's documentation files.
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|-- Locales/            <-- module's localization files.
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|-- Configs/            <-- module's configuration files.
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`-- $\{MODULE_NAME}.sh   <-- module's initialization file.
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This structure, is common to all type of modules. You can nest
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modules by creating directory structures like this, inside the
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Modules/ directory of whatever module you want to extend its
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The tcar_setModuleEnvironment function falls into the group of
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global functions inside the script. Its
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implementation uses global array variables to store information
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about the modules and local (non-array) variables to handle all
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the information related to modules. Each time the
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tcar_setModuleEnvironment function is called, it adds another
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entry to MODULE_ array variables and uses local variables to set
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the module's current information. 
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In case you want to see debugging information for array variables
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in tcar_setModuleEnvironment, you need to set the
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TCAR_FLAG_DEBUGGING environment variable to "true". Generally, we
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add the --debug option to modules, and set the variable there, so
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you can control whether to see debug information or not from the
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module's command-line.
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In the very beginning of tcar_setModuleEnvironment function we
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were using just local variables and it worked fine for top-module
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and sub-module loading, however when it was needed to load a
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sibling module, failed. The failure was produced
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because a wrong variable assignment when tried to set the path of
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the next module to load. There was not a clean way to "remember"
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what was the base directory of the parent directory so we ended up
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using the last loaded module base directory which made impossible
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to load a sibling module. Using array variables to store
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information about loaded modules fixes the issue of remembering
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information from previous modules loaded.
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At this time the tcar_setModuleEnvironment function seems to work
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as expected without any issue.
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 * -m ::
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    The name of the module you want to load. The argument of this
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    option should be module's initialization file (without extension).
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 * -t::
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    The type of module you want to load. The argument of this option
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    should be one of the following values (only):
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    * top-module::
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        is used when you want to load first-level modules, such as
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        render, locale and tuneup.
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    * sub-module::
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        is used when you want to load next-level modules. This is,
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        modules that are one inside another.
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    * sib-module::
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        is used when you want to load siblings modules.  This is,
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        modules that are located at the same level.
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The ** script has received contribution from the
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following people:
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 * Alain Reguera Delgado <[]>, 2009-2013
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Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Project
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
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your option) any later version.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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General Public License for more details.
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Alain Reguera Delgado 06ab0f
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
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