cd9fcc |
msgid ""
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
"Project-Id-Version: v 0.2\n"
cd9fcc |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-23 01:13-0300\n"
cd9fcc |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-23 01:13-0300\n"
cd9fcc |
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
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cd9fcc |
#: SVG/16-centos-sig-virt.svg:304(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/15-centos-sig-storage.svg:293(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/14-centos-sig-sc.svg:327(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/13-centos-sig-publicci.svg:304(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/12-centos-sig-promo.svg:304(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/11-centos-sig-paas.svg:304(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/10-centos-sig-optools.svg:316(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/09-centos-sig-nfv.svg:304(format) SVG/08-centos-sig-cm.svg:304(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/07-centos-sig-cloudinstance.svg:304(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/06-centos-sig-cloud.svg:304(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/05-centos-sig-atomic.svg:309(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/04-centos-sig-artwork.svg:339(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/03-centos-sig-altarch.svg:268(format)
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/02-centos-sig-core.svg:305(format) SVG/01-centos-welcome.svg:875(format)
cd9fcc |
msgid "image/svg+xml"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/16-centos-sig-virt.svg:368(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Virt SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 虛擬 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/16-centos-sig-virt.svg:383(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Delivers a user consumable full stack for virtualization technologies that want to work with the SIG."
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "為與該 SIG 合作的虛擬化技術提供適合用戶應用的完整堆疊。 "
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/16-centos-sig-virt.svg:393(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/15-centos-sig-storage.svg:374(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Storage SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 儲存器 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/15-centos-sig-storage.svg:389(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Ensures that all Open Source storage options seeking to utilize CentOS as a delivery platform have a voice in packaging, orchestration, deployment, and related work. "
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "確保有意採用 CentOS 作為部署平台的開源儲存計劃都有機會發表意見,關於包裝、協調、部署及相關工作。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/15-centos-sig-storage.svg:399(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/14-centos-sig-sc.svg:512(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Software Collection SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 軟件選集 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/14-centos-sig-sc.svg:527(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Provides an upstream development area for various software collections and related tools. Developers can build on and extend existing SCLs, so they don't need to re-invent the wheel or take responsibility for packaging unnecessary dependencies. "
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "為上游提供空間開發各種軟件選集及相關工具。開發者可以建基於及延伸現有的 SCL,這樣他們便無須重蹈覆轍,或不必要地負起包裝依賴性套件的責任。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/14-centos-sig-sc.svg:537(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/13-centos-sig-publicci.svg:374(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Public CI SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 公用 CI SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/13-centos-sig-publicci.svg:389(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Provides a public testing and proving infrastructure."
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "提供一個公用的測試及驗證架構。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/13-centos-sig-publicci.svg:399(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/PublicCI"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/12-centos-sig-promo.svg:364(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Promotion SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 推廣 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/12-centos-sig-promo.svg:379(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Provides promotion, and consistent messaging, of CentOS, both at physical events and online. "
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "在實體活動及網上推廣 CentOS 及提供一致的信息。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/12-centos-sig-promo.svg:389(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Promo"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/11-centos-sig-paas.svg:368(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS PaaS SIG"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/11-centos-sig-paas.svg:383(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Delivers multiple PaaS Stacks that are built, tested and delivered into the CentOS Ecosystem for end user consumption, run as a service and also provided in various formats (rpms, containers, images, etc.) for other efforts in the CentOS Ecosystem, that can derive value from this content."
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "針對 CentOS 的生態環境建立、測試及發行多個 PaaS 堆疊,可供用戶應用,執行成背景服務,並以不同格式(套件、容器、映像等)提供給 CentOS 生態環境內的其它項目,讓它們取用有價值的部份。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/11-centos-sig-paas.svg:397(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/PaaS"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/10-centos-sig-optools.svg:501(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/OpsTools"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/10-centos-sig-optools.svg:512(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS OpsTools SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 運作工具 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/10-centos-sig-optools.svg:527(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Provides tools for operators, system administrators, devops and developers doing infrastructure engineering on content based on CentOS Linux. "
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "為那些建基於 CentOS Linux 的架構工程的操作者、系統管理員、devops 及開發者提供工具。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/09-centos-sig-nfv.svg:368(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS NFV SIG"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/09-centos-sig-nfv.svg:383(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Provides a CentOS-based stack that will serve as a platform for the deployment and testing of virtual network functions (VNFs) and NFV component packages on compliant CentOS platform. "
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "提供一個以 CentOS 為基礎的堆疊,作為在合規格的 CentOS 系統上部署及測試虛擬網絡功能(VNF)的平台。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/09-centos-sig-nfv.svg:393(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/NFV"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/08-centos-sig-cm.svg:374(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Config Management SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 設置管理 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/08-centos-sig-cm.svg:389(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Aims to bridge the gap between Config Management tools Power users and traditional users by producing and release RPM packages of several Configuration Management and Orchestration tools. "
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "通過製作及發行設置管理和統籌工具的 RPM 套件,致力拉近設置管理工具的進階用戶與傳統用戶的距離。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/08-centos-sig-cm.svg:399(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/ConfigManagementSIG"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/07-centos-sig-cloudinstance.svg:371(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Cloud Instance SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 雲端實例 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/07-centos-sig-cloudinstance.svg:386(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Works on the CentOS Linux cloud instances, either on or off premise or in third party Vendor establishments."
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "專注在 CentOS Linux 雲端實例,不論是位於本地、遠端或是第三方供應商的設施內。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/07-centos-sig-cloudinstance.svg:396(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/CloudInstance"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/06-centos-sig-cloud.svg:371(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Cloud SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 雲端 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/06-centos-sig-cloud.svg:386(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Works on packaging and maintaining different FOSS based Private cloud infrastructure applications that one can install and run natively on CentOS."
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "包裝及維護那些能在 CentOS 上安裝及原生運行、免費開源的私人雲端架構程式。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/06-centos-sig-cloud.svg:396(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/05-centos-sig-atomic.svg:373(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Atomic SIG"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/05-centos-sig-atomic.svg:388(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Works on a CentOS-based Atomic Host image that provides a minimal image using rpm-ostree, as well as tools and documentation for users to create their own CentOS/Atomic images with custom package sets. "
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "利用 rpm-ostree 建立一個最基本、以 CentOS 為基礎的 Atomic 主機映像,並提供工具及文檔,讓用戶能建立個人化、含有自訂套件的 CentOS/Atomic 映像。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/05-centos-sig-atomic.svg:398(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Atomic"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/04-centos-sig-artwork.svg:380(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Artwork SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 美工圖案 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/04-centos-sig-artwork.svg:395(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Exists to produce The CentOS Project Visual Identity. The group is focused in producing high quality artwork for each visual medium The CentOS Project manifests its existence on reinforcing the visual connection between them all to reach the highest visual recognition."
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "為了建立 CentOS 計劃的視覺形像而存在。此小組致力為每個 CentOS 視覺媒體提供高質素的美工圖案,並通過加強各媒體之間的視覺連接以達致最高的視覺認受性。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/04-centos-sig-artwork.svg:405(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Artwork"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/03-centos-sig-altarch.svg:337(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Alternate Architectures SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 替代架構 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/03-centos-sig-altarch.svg:352(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Extends usability base beyond basic architectures (x86_64), including ARM 64-bit and 32-bit, x86 32-bit, Power 8, and so forth."
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "擴展可用性至基本架構(x86_64)以外的應用範圍,包括 64 位元和 32 位元的 ARM、32 位元的 x86、Power 8 等。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/03-centos-sig-altarch.svg:362(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/AltArch"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/02-centos-sig-core.svg:380(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS Core SIG"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "CentOS 核心 SIG"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/02-centos-sig-core.svg:395(flowPara)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Produces the CentOS Linux distribution. Some of the actions this group is focused on include to build, sign and release all CentOS Linux packages, as well as create and release all official CentOS Linux ISOs."
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "製作 CentOS Linux 發行版本。該小組所履行的職責包括建立、簽署及發行所有 CentOS Linux 套件,並建立及發行所有官方 CentOS Linux ISO 檔。"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/02-centos-sig-core.svg:405(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Core"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/01-centos-welcome.svg:1062(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "CentOS"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/01-centos-welcome.svg:1060(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "Welcome to <placeholder-1/> Linux"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Linux 歡迎您"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/01-centos-welcome.svg:1073(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "社群企業級操作系統"
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/01-centos-welcome.svg:1084(tspan)
cd9fcc |
#, no-wrap
cd9fcc |
msgid "https://www.centos.org/"
cd9fcc |
msgstr ""
cd9fcc |
cd9fcc |
#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
cd9fcc |
#: SVG/01-centos-welcome.svg:0(None)
cd9fcc |
msgid "translator-credits"
Timothy Lee |
9efa09 |
msgstr "Timothy Lee <timothy.ty.lee@gmail.com>, 2019"