#8 New logo for forums.centos.org
Closed 2 years ago by arrfab. Opened 2 years ago by shaunm.

We need the new logo (and possibly new designs) on forums.centos.org. We've talked about using Discourse more, so don't put too much effort into this right now.

(This issue is part of my effort to put my list somewhere public. Apologies if I duplicated something.)

These are probably relevant. As far as I know, all the current moderator team aim to stop using the site once CentOS 7 goes EOL. I think informal discussions suggested the we close the forums after that EOL. It might be nice to just make it all r/o and maintain it for a while as it always takes an age for people to stop using obsolete releases.


Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue assigned to arrfab

2 years ago

Fixed by this commit and deployed by ansible

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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